Friday, December 3, 2010

What Is Art??

What is art? I believe every single person you ask that question to will have different answers. That said, my answer is a unique one because I believe art is the human minds way of escaping everyday life. Someone might lose their job and go home and paint. Someone might lose a loved one and go take pictures in the park. I might get a bad grade in school or get in trouble at home and go in the woodshop and make something out of wood. Everyone has their own unique way of dealing with the everyday hurt, pain, or sadness that life deals out. I also believe art is any creation made by somebody using their imagination and no guidelines. I think that is how the best artwork is formed. When people do it freehand and don’t go by any guidelines or rules. Art to me is anything that comes from the heart and soul and not from the internet or any book.
Art is an outward expression of your inner soul. Your artwork shows everyone else around you how you are feeling and whether or not you are having a good day. It also shows people what you have been thinking about. I know this because I enjoy drawing. I know when I sit down to draw something, I have to be in the mood to draw and I have to think about what I am going to draw. If I do not do these things before I draw, I usually just sit there because I do not know what to do. This is why I think it shows people what you are thinking and what kind of mood you in. Overall, I think art is a great way to escape the everyday world and really let your emotions run wild.

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