Monday, January 3, 2011

My 2010 year went pretty smoothly, with only a few bumps along the way. It started out with the ending of the 09-10 school year. That was pretty sweet because that meant I was going to be a senior by the end of the year. I got pretty good grades so that made my year a little bit better. I held a 90 average throughout the entire year which is higher than any of my preexisting averages. I also stayed out of trouble at school for the most part. I got into a couple situations which directly impacted my referral count for the year 2010. That was my parents biggest thing about this last year was the trouble I get myself into. I think if I remember correctly, I only received an invitation to the principal’s office twice, but out of those two times I ended up getting into a lot of trouble. It only happened twice in 365 days though, so I see that as an improvement. Other than that, my 2010 year was fantastic. Over the summer, my brother left for the Air Force, so I got to see him off. We waited eight weeks until he graduated basic training and then we went down to Texas to watch his graduation. Other than the extreme heat and insane driving, it was a wonderful visit. I think the bad driving had something to do with the amount of visitors there were so it crowded the roads. Overall, I guess I can put the 2010 year under the category of awesome. Everything I wanted to get done, I got done and anything I wanted to achieve, I pretty much achieved. I passed my junior year, watched my brother graduate, and lived through another summer. Let’s just hope this year is the same way!

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