Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Don't Be Scared - Read It!!

One of the scariest books I have ever read was written by the ever so famous Stephen King. The book is entitled “Misery”. This may sound familiar to some people because you probably saw the lame movie remake on T.V. They cut so much of the book out of the movie.
The first couple of chapters in this book are kind of boring but you have to stick with it. The story centers around two people: Paul Sheldon and Annie Wilkes. Paul is a very successful author. He usually writes romance novels that focus around a character named Misery Chastain. Well, one day Paul had been drinking in celebration of his latest accomplishment. He had written the final novel of the Misery Chastain series. He drank too much and attempted to drive through a big snow storm. He crashed. This is when we meet Annie. Annie pulled Paul out of the destroyed automobile. She takes him back to her desolated home and bandages his wounds. This is when things got weird. After Paul woke up, Annie repeatedly told Paul that she is his number one fan. She also asked him if she could read the manuscript to Paul’s recently completed novel. Paul doesn’t realize that he pretty much killed himself by doing this because Annie is in love with Misery Chastain. Paul had Misery die in this manuscript! The next day Annie was so mad that she made him burn the manuscript. From this point on, Annie began to do horrible things to Paul. At one point when she thought he was almost able to walk again, she shattered both of his ankles with a sledge hammer. She also used an axe and cut off Paul’s foot. She stopped the bleeding by cauterizing it with a blowtorch!! She also cut off his thumb when he complained of a missing key on the typewriter he was using to re-create Misery (Annie was forcing him to bring Misery back to life). All in all, this book really messed with me. It was pretty bad.

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