Thursday, October 21, 2010

When birds mess with Nate

Nate Bailey, the assumed Boss of the Bulldog, sat gazing dreadfully at the clock on the wall. He was waiting for hours to hear the ever so popular 2:25 bell. That bell would signify the end of a long, non-productive day for Nate.
Finally, fourth block. As Nate sat there, gazing out of the window, he witnessed something that might have changed his life forever. Probably not, though. Nate just happened to look up at the exact moment a bird crashed through Mrs. Kaderli’s window. Nate let out a silent little cry as he witnessed this. What he saw next was even weirder though. Nate knew the bird must have died instantly so he went up to Mrs. Kaderli’s room to see if she was okay. When he walked into the room he expected to see broken glass everywhere and a dead bird lying on the ground. You can imagine his surprise when he walked in and saw Mrs. Kaderli sitting at her desk teaching a class. No broken glass or dead bird anywhere. Nate nearly hit the ceiling. He ran all the way back to the Bulldog’s headquarters and looked up at Mrs. Kaderli’s room. He was floored when he saw it.
There was the broken window. It wasn’t even the broken window that made Nate urinate in his pants though. When he looked up, there was a flock of about 200 birds flying into Mrs. Kaderli’s room. Nate ran as fast as he could, which really isn’t that fast, up to Mrs. Kaderli’s room. When he opened the door, he covered his face because he expected to be attacked by the birds. When Nate uncovered his face, all he saw was Mrs. Kaderli sitting by her desk and the class staring at him!

(No offense to Nate. Anything said about him probably is not true!)

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